
Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Tuesday, the 1st of April, 2003

I removed the cover off my car, cleaned it from all the dust covering it.
Raed and Azzam went to take a look on our showrooms and office.
It was very quiet outside, so I decided to go in a fast tour and say hello to my sisters and brothers.
All the telephone exchange buildings were bombed, and I didn’t hear from anyone in the last days.
First, I went to visit my sister at Saydyya, but she wasn’t at her house. Neighbors said that she is fine, just went out shopping some minutes ago.
Her husband is living abroad, and I feel sad for her situation, living alone with her daughters in these tough days.
Her house is far away from ours too…
I felt disappointed a bit; I really wanted to see her.
My next stop was my youngest sister’s house, she was with her daughters, and the guard was in the garden. Her husband is a general manager in the ministry of health, and she rarely sees him since the break out of the war. He comes back home for some minutes to change his clothes, and go back to the ministry. Her face was full of red spots, “because of the stress”, she said.
I felt sad; everyone has a pale face, and scared heart. “We sleep in our neighbor’s house”, she said. “The girls and I feel afraid to sleep alone, the house shakes all the night long. The guard is taking care of our house”.
I took a look around her house; she put sheets and covers all over the furniture, just as if it was an abandoned place. I remembered the time all of my sisters used to come and sit here, and laugh… that was before the war.
This war is tearing us apart, my God curse every stupid person participated in starting this war.


I went back home quickly, before the night attacks begin.
Baghdad looked sad and torn apart, pale with all of that sadness, dust and stupid black smoke. The look of Baghdad broke my heart, I felt it was complaining through her silence. Baghdad… my old love… I cried and remembered my mother, thank God she died and didn’t see these black days…


I didn’t like those visits, I wish I didn’t leave hour home from the first time… all what I got is more depression and sadness.

At the night, bombing was strong, but yet far.
Sleeping is impossible.

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